Monday, July 1

Lexi Bonner beats an autistic kid and gets jumped

Today’s article is about a teen age girl Lexi Bonner from UK. She became an internet sensation after a video of her went viral. Now everyone is talking about her on social media. She maybe the most googled person in UK as of now. And the reason behind this virality is insane. Enough with the chitchat and lets dive right into it.

Who is Lexi Bonner ?

So a few days ago, all of sudden everyone on Tiktok was talking about a viral video. The most common thing in these videos was the name Lexi Bonner. I was curious that who is she ?. So i did my research on social media and found very shocking details. So Lexi is a teenager from Leeds. In a video, she was beating a kid in a football field. Allegedly this kid was just 8 years old. 3 to 4 different videos of this incident were circulating online. In these videos, friends of Lexi Bonner are laughing on this kid in background.

Lexi repeatedly kicks him in this viral video. Nobody comes to save this poor kid from this vile lady. According to social media news, kid went to a hospital after this incident because he sustained some serious injuries. Down below is the screenshot from this viral video.

Lexi Bonner viral video
Lexi Bonner viral video

Reaction to Lexi Bonner viral video

As soon as this video was uploaded on internet , it went crazily viral given its nature. people were in shock and disbelieve after they watched it online. Lexi is probably the most hated person in UK right Now. She did not think in her wildest dreams that she would become so much viral online. The video first appeared on Twitter. People showed a very strong reaction against this inhumane action of Lexi. This video continues for almost 2 minutes in different parts.

Lexi Bonner Jumped

Soon after this viral video, another video appeared online. Many social media users claimed that some girls jumped Lexi for what she did to that kid . The girl seen in this second video, appears to look like Lexi Bonner but it can not be confirmed. Face of the girl in this video is not much clear. So the authenticity of this video is questionable. There has been no reaction from the Lexi Bonner or her family on this whole situation yet. You guys can easily find thus video on Twitter.

Was Lexi Bonnar Arrested ?

There were also some claims online that Lexi was arrested by police after her video went viral. But no one has confirmed these claims. So these are just speculations yet. That is all for this article. If more updates come online on this incident, I’ll make sure to update my readers. take care you people !